The Best SNES Emulator on Android

2022年10月10日—ThebestfreeSNESemulatoronAndroidprobablyisSnes9xEX+,ithasasimpleinterfaceandhasnoads.AmorecompleteoneisRetroArch,it ...,ChronoTriggerROMdownloadavailableforSuperNintendo.DownloadChronoTriggeremulatorgameandplaytheSNESROMfree.Cross-...。參考影片的文章的如下:


an android SNES emulator that runs SMW rom hacks?

2022年10月10日 — The best free SNES emulator on Android probably is Snes9x EX+, it has a simple interface and has no ads. A more complete one is RetroArch, it ...

Chrono Trigger ROM

Chrono Trigger ROM download available for Super Nintendo. Download Chrono Trigger emulator game and play the SNES ROM free. Cross-platform game works on ...


Download official SNES ROMs for any Super Nintendo emulator. Relive classic rom games with BSNES, on Windows, Android, Linux and IOS devices!

SNES Romset Ultra (U) [!] : Nintendo

2020年11月17日 — The one broken ROM in the torrent is Yume Meikyuu - Kigurumi Daibouken - you can download it manually from the list of files in the archive.

Snes9x EX+

基於Snes9x 的高級開源SNES 模擬器,具有簡約的UI 和專注於低音頻/視頻延遲,支持從原始Xperia Play 到現代設備(如Nvidia Shield 和Pixel 手機)的各種設備。

Super Nintendo (SNES) ROMs

We offer fast servers so you can Download SNES ROMs and start playing console games on an emulator easily. Please rate your favorite ROM that you enjoy playing ...

what's the best snes emulator for Android

2023年8月18日 — They all suck sadly. I tried all emus today and found them all to be unusable on my razr+ 2023 for various reasons. SNES9X is the best one.


2022年10月10日—ThebestfreeSNESemulatoronAndroidprobablyisSnes9xEX+,ithasasimpleinterfaceandhasnoads.AmorecompleteoneisRetroArch,it ...,ChronoTriggerROMdownloadavailableforSuperNintendo.DownloadChronoTriggeremulatorgameandplaytheSNESROMfree.Cross-platformgameworkson ...,DownloadofficialSNESROMsforanySuperNintendoemulator.ReliveclassicromgameswithBSNES,onWindows,Android,LinuxandIOSdevices!,2020...

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